2019-20 Upper Deck O-Pee-Chee Blaster Box
V každém boxu je 12 balíčků po osmi kartách.
Základní set obsahuje:
500 base karet
50 Marquee Rookie
31 Team Checklists
10 Seasen Highlights a
9 karet League Leaders ( High end subset serie)
Najdi 30 Marquee Rookies, Season Highlights, League Leaders and/or Retro karet v boxu Box!
Každý balíček O-Pee-Chee obsahuje jendu paralelní kartu "Retro" jednu ze 600ti karet základního setu!
Novinka v sérii! Najděte SP 2019 Stanley Cup Final Moments and In Action
V letoší sérii opět nalezneme OPC Trophey Winners, HOF Logo and Logo Updates Patches insert delivers 100 nových manufactured patch karet!
Najdi Retro Black Border super boxy, kde všechny základní karty v boxu jsou nahrazeny retro black border parlalekami.
Novinka!!! Najdi 40 karet O-Pee-Chee Caramels insert v průměru 4 na box. iconic 2" x 3.5" design s plným pozadím. Checklist is slated to include 28 regular cards, 6 short-prints and 6 super short-prints. Najdi rovněž ultra rare blank back variantu a další překvapení.
Obsahu produktu
High-Series Inserts v každém blíčku:
- Retro Variations
- Marquee Rookies
- Season Highlights
- League Leaders
- Team Checklist
O-Pee-Chee Patches: HOBBY EXCLUSIVE!
- OPC Patches King Clancy Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches Bill Masterson Memorial Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches Presidents' Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches Frank J. Selke Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches William M. Jennings Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches Maurice Richard Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches Ted Lindsay Award - 1:937
- OPC Patches Art Ross Trophy - 1:937
- OPC Patches Lady Bing Trophy - 1:1312
- OPC Patches Conn Smythe Trophy - 1:1312
- OPC Patches James Norris Memorial Trophy - 1:1687
- OPC Patches Calder Memorial Trophy - 1:1687
- OPC Patches Vezina Trophy - 1:1687
- OPC Patches Hart Memorial Trophy - 1:2250
- OPC Patches Stanley Cup Trophy - 1:1875
- OPC Patches O-Pee-Chee Logo Update - 1:1125
- OPC Patches HOF Logo - 1:2250
- OPC Patches HOF Logo SP - 1:18750
- Regular - 1:5
- Short Prints - 1:44
- Super Short Prints - 1:87
Regular Set Parallels:
- OPC Retro - 1:1
- Blue Border - 1:3
- Gold Glossy Border - 1:24
- Retro Black Border - #'d to 100
O-Pee-Chee's Unique Inserts:
- OPC Playing Cards (2 thru Kings) - 1:5
- OPC Playing Cards (Aces) - 1:120
- 2019 Stanley Cup Final Moments - 1:360
- In Action - 1:1152
- Retro High Series Cup Captain - 1:4608
Manufacturer: Upper Deck.
Product code: P01348